The Boardroom Practice Limited

Welcome to the website of The Boardroom Practice Limited. We are dedicated to raising the standards of corporate governance.
What we offer:
- Advisory services - governance structuring, design, monitoring and policy implementation in the public and private sector for organisations of all types both within New Zealand and abroad;
- Board evaluation - a sophisticated and comprehensive range of qualitative board evaluation products widely and routinely used by public and private organisations;
- Public training in governance - TBPL partners with well recognised tertiary education and training organisations such as Universities, the EMA, the EEO Trust and major commercial institutions such as trading banks;
- Governance training - for boards and directors of public and private sector organisations both commercial and not-for-profit, from introductory to advanced levels in modules customised to client needs; and,
- Boutique director recruitment service - specifically customised to the individual needs of clients with specialised appointment requirements and governance.
Our Competitive Advantage:
- All of the Principals of the Boardroom Practice have been and are currently Chairs and Directors of commercial and not-for-profit boards. Their experience and skills come from working as active directors and chairs in the public and private sector in the listed and unlisted arenas in companies, trusts, partnerships and government agencies.
- Our service philosophy is customised to the requirements of clients. We establish what suits the client's requirements prior to commencing. This means results are directly targetted and usable immediately.
- Our advice has been sought by emerging and established organisations of all sizes - commercial, enterprises, cooperatives and associations, SOE's and local government bodies, Maori trust boards, school and not for profit organisations. The common theme is a desire to improve governance performances - and that is the focus of TBPL.